Dodgeton Trail #1302

San Isabel National Forest

This natural trail connects the Indian Trail #1300 and the Spring Creek Day Use Area. The trailhead starts at 9,000′ in elevation and the trail elevation gain is 1,200′.

Location: From La Veta take state CO Highway 12 to Cuchara Water and Sanitation office, turn right into the Spring Creek trailhead parking lot. Take Dodgeton Trail #1302 (approx. 1.25 miles) to jct. of Baker Trail #1301 There is a parking fee.

Trail at a Glance

4.5 miles

Trail Details

From La Veta take state CO Highway 12 to Cuchara Water and Sanitation office, turn right into the Spring Creek trailhead parking lot. Take Dodgeton Trail #1302 (approx. 1.25 miles) to jct. of Baker Trail #1301 There is a parking fee.

Maps and information can be found at the San Isabel National Forest La Veta Work Center:
103 E. Field St.,
La Veta, CO 81055
(719) 742-3681

Alternatively, contact the San Carlos Ranger District Office in Canon City at (719) 269-8500.