La Veta Trails’ mission is to develop and maintain parks and trails systems in Huerfano County that connect people of all ages and abilities to the outdoors, inspire volunteerism, and contribute to the health and economic vitality of the region. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we rely on donations, sponsorships, and events to fund our work.
Your business will write a one-time check for the sponsorship up-front. Your one-time donation helps us with programming and general operating costs. Your money directly benefits Huerfano County.
Your business will add a donation onto the sale of services, retail goods, or a combination of both. The Customer-Generated Donation Program will provide LVT with critically needed funding to advance our work in Huerfano County so we can connect everyone to the outdoors. With Customer-Generated Donations we will be able to construct, restore and maintain existing and new parks, open spaces, and trails in conjunction with our partners.
La Veta Trails will provide a donation box for your customers to deposit their donations. We will arrange with you to pick up the box when it is full.